Media Mentions

Redis Labs’s success is in part due to its memory caching speed. This reminds me of another Israeli startup – Moshe Yanai’s Infinidat storage array business, which also uses memory caching for its speed advantage over all-flash arrays. For Redis Labs, avoiding storage IO except for background operations is the only way to keep server CPUs busy. Storage is a bottleneck and needs bypassing – which applies in a way to Infinidat as well.

“Do you want to pledge allegiance to a single public-cloud provider forever?” asked Erik Kaulberg (pictured), vice president at Infinidat Ltd. “If the answer to that is no or if there’s any hesitation in that answer, then you need to be considering services that go beyond the walled gardens of individual public clouds.”

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the history and current state of enterprise data storage with industry analyst and Silicon Valley veteran Stanley Zaffos who is now currently SVP of Product Marketing at Infinidat.

Performance is another area that can take a big hit with massive data sets, but that is unacceptable in today’s environment. “Millisecond performance is no longer good enough. Performance needs to be sub-millisecond,” said Doc D’Errico, chief marketing officer of Infinidat. “You need storage capable of performing at microseconds in order to get to that sub-millisecond latency.”

Containers and Kubernetes pave the way to a more competitive storage environment, keeping pricing pressure on incumbent storage vendors by reducing the strength of vendor lock-ins, said Stanley Zaffos, senior vice president of product marketing at data storage provider Infinidat. Containers and Kubernetes can also help improve staff efficiency and productivity by automating provisioning and deprovisioning, as well as simplifying storage management by removing server-specific application dependencies.

Infinidat has been providing multi-cloud compatibility with hyper-scale since their inception. They promise the highest availability SLA in public cloud environments today... five nines backed by a hundred percent available architecture. Learn more in this short video with Erik Kaulberg, VP of Infinidat.