Media Mentions

Imagine a hospital with such a cloud infrastructure beginning to explore the COVID-19, and the ability to accelerate research processes, and routinely, 365 days a year utilize this infrastructure to advance the next generation of medicine.

Doc D’Errico, VP, Office of the CTO, identifies challenges and opportunities for healthcare organizations in storing and managing data to open up new fields of research, adopt new approaches to disease treatment, and pursue new strategies for the overall improvement of public health.

Data storage providers need to start delivering the ‘public cloud experience’ by ensuring that fast, reliable data storage is provided via private cloud solutions.

Businesses are under pressure to deliver better customer experiences and increased revenue while decreasing costs, which results in shrinking IT budgets. This is compounded by the need to store ever-increasing volumes of data to deliver these services.

The UK’s National Healthcare Service (NHS) probably never expected to be an organisation facing ransomware attacks. In 2018, when the NHS (and 786 other companies for the record according to the 2018 Data Breach Investigation Report) was hit, it became all about the race to regain control of medical operations and, equally importantly, to rebuild customer trust.

South African organisations are likely to continue falling prey to ransomware attacks this year.
So says Heino Gevers, cyber security expert at Mimecast, after stolen vehicle recovery company Tracker revealed it was hacked on Sunday.

Infinidat Vice President, Erik Kaulberg, was featured on the Storage Unpacked podcast. Erik discusses the wide range of storage options and how to build the storage systems of the future.