Media Mentions

Organisations today have realised the relevance of adopting a hybrid cloud strategy as issues such as data sovereignty, privacy, compliance and more, can result in the requirement for a hybrid cloud strategy. Traditionally, on-premises enterprise storage necessitated a Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) financial model which requires an upfront investment on storage that can meet current and future requirements. However, the latest developments in on-premises storage have resulted in the emergence of an on-premises storage-as-a-service (STaaS) model that delivers the same, or better, financial benefits than STaaS in the cloud.

Organisations today have realised the relevance of adopting a hybrid cloud strategy as issues such as data sovereignty, privacy, compliance and more, can result in the requirement for a hybrid cloud strategy. Traditionally, on-premises enterprise storage necessitated a Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) financial model which requires an upfront investment on storage that can meet current and future requirements.

The average number of days to identify and contain a data breach is 287, according to research (via SecureWorld) conducted by the Ponemon Institute. This means that chief information officers (CIOs) and chief information security officers (CISOs) are regularly caught unaware when a cyberattack—or a series of cyberattacks—has penetrated the enterprise and, whether it’s ransomware or malware, is working to wreak havoc with the company’s data.

We visited Infinidat last April in Herzliya, Israel, for the 43rd IT Press Tour and I really wished to interview Phil Bullinger, CEO of Infinidat, as the company is really different from other usual suspects. So we took time together to talk and as you'll see we spoke about why he joined the company, the financial state of Infinidat, the current offering and differentiators an da bit of future. A very good episode again, Phil giving lots of informations, I hope you will enjoy the episode, thank you Phil and happy listening.

Ransomware, malware attacks, and corporate data theft can cost companies millions, lead to government compliance violations, cause lasting reputational damage, and negatively affect operations if businesses are not adequately prepared for recovery.

Cybersecurity is a subject that is top of mind across the enterprise, from the IT department up to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Ransomware, malware attacks, and corporate data theft can cost companies millions, lead to government compliance violations, cause lasting reputational damage, and negatively affect operations if businesses are not adequately prepared for recovery. Data is the critical target of malware attacks, and malicious actors will look to exploit any vulnerability. Integrating primary storage into a comprehensive cyber security strategy and building cyber-resilience into the storage architecture is a significant step in thwarting such attacks