Media Mentions

We kicked off 2022 with a strong list of the much-anticipated trends in the storage market. It has now been six months since we released our annual trends update for the year, and we want to pause for a moment at this mid-year point and assess how our predictions have fared so far. Have our predictions been on track? Have there been new trends to emerge? Were any of our projected trends significantly off or in need of adjustments?

We kicked off 2022 with a strong list of the much-anticipated trends in the storage market. It has now been six months since we released our annual trends update for the year, and we want to pause for a moment at this mid-year point and assess how our predictions have fared so far. Have our predictions been on track? Have there been new trends to emerge? Were any of our projected trends significantly off or in need of adjustments?

Being on the forefront of enterprise storage in the Fortune 500 market, Infinidat has broad visibility across the market trends that are driving changes CIOs cannot ignore. To help make it quick and easy for IT leaders to get a reliable snapshot of the enterprise storage trends, we put together this “trends update” for the second half of 2022.

While many vendors have always taken a hybrid route to market approach, challenges brought about by the pandemic and economic upheaval has created a more competitive environment resulting in many vendors taking a more direct sales route. By cutting out channel partners now or adopting a hybrid sales strategy, vendors may place themselves in a difficult position later on.

Infinidat, a leading provider of enterprise storage solutions, today announced an expansion of its guaranteed Service Level Agreement (SLA) program. Infinidat is making available the industry’s first cyber storage guarantee for recovery on primary storage – the InfiniSafe® Cyber Storage guarantee. This ensures that enterprises and service providers recover and restore their data at near-instantaneous speed in the wake of a cyberattack by using a guaranteed immutable snapshot dataset with a guaranteed recovery time of one minute or less. The company is also announcing a new performance guarantee across its InfiniBox® platforms. The new guarantees join Infinidat’s existing 100% availability guarantee, which was announced in 2019.

Infinidat, a leading provider of enterprise storage solutions, today announced that storage industry analyst firm DCIG has named Infinidat as one of the world’s Top 5 storage-as-a-service (STaaS) solution providers. This ranking is based on independent research that DCIG conducted into the STaaS market. The “2022-23 DCIG Top 5 Enterprise Storage as a Service Solutions Report” is now available.

nfinidat, a leading provider of enterprise storage solutions, today announced an expansion of its guaranteed Service Level Agreement (SLA) program. Infinidat is making available the industry’s first cyber storage guarantee for recovery on primary storage – the InfiniSafe® Cyber Storage guarantee. This ensures that enterprises and service providers recover and restore their data at near-instantaneous speed in the wake of a cyberattack by using a guaranteed immutable snapshot dataset with a guaranteed recovery time of one minute or less. The company is also announcing a new performance guarantee across its InfiniBox® platforms. The new guarantees join Infinidat’s existing 100% availability guarantee, which was announced in 2019.